1.Personal Information

Midrex Technologies, Inc.® and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) recognizes that it is important to protect the personal information of all individuals (hereinafter referred to as the “individual” or “individuals”) who provide personal information to the Company, including customers and business partners, and in order to fulfill this responsibility, the Company will handle personal information in accordance with the following policies.

1. The Company will comply with the relevant laws and regulations, and will handle personal information appropriately in accordance with generally accepted practices relating to the handling of personal information. In addition, the Company will endeavor to improve its handling of the same as necessary.

2. In handling personal information, the Company shall specify, notify, or publicly announce the purpose of use and handle personal information according to the purpose of use.

3. In order to prevent leakage, loss, alteration, etc. of personal information, the Company will implement the necessary measures to appropriately manage such information.

4. The Company will accept requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, and cessation of utilization of personal information held by the Company at the designated reception desks and will respond in good faith thereto.

2.Purpose of Use

The Company may use personal information shared by the Individual for the following business purposes:

1) Notification and provision of products and services

2) Development of products and services

3) Purchase of raw materials, goods, and services

4) Response to inquiries from the Individual

Midrex does not collect cookies on its website.

3.Disclosure and Provisions to Third Parties

The Company shall not disclose or provide personal data to any third-party except in the event of any of the following:

1) Cases in which the Individual consents to the disclosure or provision.

2) Cases in which the data is disclosed or provided after the processing by which the data becomes unable to identify the Individual such as statistical procedures.

3) Cases in which it is required to disclose or provide such data based on laws and regulations.

4) Cases in which there is a need to protect a human life, body, or fortune, and when it is difficult to obtain the Individual’s consent.

5) Cases in which there is a need to cooperate with central government organizations, local governments, etc. performing public affairs, and when there is a possibility that obtaining the consent of the Individual would interfere with the performance of the said affairs.

6) Cases in which the Company shares personal data with specific persons, and the items of personal data to be shared, the scope of persons to share and the person responsible for the management are notified to the Individual or publicly announced in advance.


Upon receipt of a request from the Individual for disclosure of his/her own personal data in the possession of the Company, the Company shall respond within a reasonable period and scope.

5.Correction, Deletion, etc.

Upon receipt of a request from the Individual for correction, addition, or deletion concerning his/her own personal data in the possession of the Company, the Company shall make such correction, addition, or deletion concerning the data within a reasonable period and scope.

6.Cessation of Utilization and Erasure

Upon receipt of a request from the Individual for cessation of utilization or erasure of his/her own personal data in possession of the Company, the Company shall cease the utilization of or erase such data within a reasonable period and scope. The Company kindly reminds the Individual of that cessation of utilization or erasure of all or part of his/her personal data may prevent the Company from providing services in accordance with requests. In this respect, the Company deeply appreciates the understanding and cooperation of the Individual. (In some cases, request for cessation of utilization or erasure of information in the possession of the Company under relevant laws and regulations may not be accepted.)

7.Privacy Request

Any requests concerning personal information in the possession of the Company as set forth above and any other inquiries concerning personal information will be accepted via email, info@midrex.com with Privacy in the subject line.


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Midrex Technologies, Inc. does not provide engineering services for use in the State of North Carolina, USA.

Please contact us with any additional questions you may have at info@midrex.com

Compliance Management Department, Midrex Technologies, Inc.

TEL:+001 704 373 1600

EMAIL: info@midrex.com

Information on Midrex UK tax strategy can be found here.

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