Midrex Joins HBI C-Flex Project Advisory Board
Midrex is one of 14 global companies involved in the Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) supply chain that will provide knowledge and expertise in support of the International Iron Metallics Association (IIMA) HBI C-Flex Project as a member of the Supportive Advisory Board. The goal of the 3.5-year project is to determine the reoxidation behavior and stability of Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) and hot HBI with variable iron and carbon content to promote safe handling and transport for future decarbonized steel production. The project is coordinated by K1-MET of Austria and the advisory board is led by the IIMA.
The project is funded by the European Union’s Research Fund for Coal and Steel program and consists of 10 steel producers, RTOs, technology providers, and universities from Austria, Germany, Belgium, France and Netherlands. Each participant has specific knowledge, skills, and equipment to demonstrate direct reduction followed by hot briquetting of various iron ores including lower-grade ores typically not used in the direct reduction process.
Thus far in 2024, the HBI C-Flex team has conducted a market analysis with quantitative data obtained from a literature review including information and data concerning iron ore mining companies, DR-grade pellet suppliers, HBI production, shipments of DRI and HBI, as well as HBI/steel producing companies and global crude steel production. Qualitative data was derived from deep-dive interviews with stakeholders along the supply chain, focusing on the industry, competitive landscape, requirements, market gaps, and barriers.
For more information, go to the HBI C-Flex Project website hbi-c-flex.eu and follow the project on LinkedIn.