• Current Plant
  • Future Startup

MIDREX® Plants are able to perform reliably at or above rated capacity in climates that range from the dry, sandy heat of Saudi Arabia to the frigid cold of Canada and Russia. To date only three MIDREX® Modules have ever been decommissioned, the two small demonstration plants commissioned in Portland, Oregon in 1969 and the first full sized commercial scale plant commissioned in Georgetown, South Carolina, USA in 1971. Much of the equipment from the Georgetown facility remains in operation at sister plants operated by the same owner.

This is a partial map of reference plants.  There are additional MIDREX Plants licensed by Kobe Steel, Ltd. Of Japan.

Click here to download the MIDREX Plant list.

Future Start-up Plants

Virtual Plant Tours

Explore a real-life MIDREX HBI Plant through our 360° virtual reality of ArcelorMittal Texas HBI and LGOK HBI-3. Experience breathtaking views from the shaft furnace tower or glimpse into the briquetting machine as you immerse yourself in two of the world’s most modern HBI plants.​

LGOK HBI-3 Virtual Tour

Location: Gubkin, Russia | Capacity: 1.8 mtpy HBI

ArcelorMittal Texas HBI Virtual Tour

Location: Portland, Texas | Capacity: 2.0 mtpy HBI

The Latest from Midrex
September 4, 2024

Press Release Vale and Midrex to Cooperate for Use of Iron Ore Briquettes in Direct Reduction Plants

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September 3, 2024

Reference | World DRI Statistics World DRI production reaches 135.7 Mt in 2023

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July 25, 2024

Story Celebrating National Intern Day with our 2024 Midrex Interns

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July 23, 2024

Story Living Our Purpose: Midrex Volunteers Team Up with Habitat for Humanity

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July 22, 2024

Story Living Our Purpose: Team Wild Waves Breaks Records in World’s Toughest Row Finish

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July 9, 2024

Press Release Midrex and Primetals selected by Blastr

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