
Patricia Blackmon, Midrex Teammate Retires After 48 Years

March 22, 2023

Patricia Blackmon joined Midrex Technologies Inc, in August 1974, when Midrex was being established in Charlotte. She has had an amazing career and will be fondly remembered by her teammates. Read on below for a reflection on Pat’s time at Midrex.

What has working at Midrex meant to you?

I have been blessed to work for Midrex for the past 48 years and that is due in part to the Midrex management teams that I have worked closely with, who have given me the opportunity to grow in my work experience, implement new ideas, and their willingness to listen to and consider suggestions for changes. I also have worked with some amazing teammates that I have grown to have great friendships with over the years who were truly caring, funny, intelligent, and willing to help when there was a need for assistance. My teammates also showed great kindness when there was a need to lend an ear on both a professional or personal level.

What are the different roles you’ve had within Midrex?

 I have had several roles within the company. The first role was in the Human Resources Department. From there I was promoted to an Administrative Assistant/Receptionist and following that role I promoted to the position of Supervisor, Project Document Control.

How have things changed over the years?

Technology changed over the years. Technology aided me tremendously in getting project documentation to our clients in a timely and more efficient manner. Prior to today’s technology, I would have to make copies of all of the project documentation to submit to our clients and submit them using courier services. I would have to roll all of the drawings up and put them in a drawing tube. This was very time consuming, but we still got the job done. There were so many file cabinets in my area of drawings, project documents, vendor documentation and client files. Now all of this information is stored in the Document Management System. Now project documentation is submitted to our clients electronically.

What are some of your best memories?

I enjoyed the times when Midrex would have Christmas parties for employees and their families. Some of the employees would dress up as elves and on one occasion I was an elf. To see the happiness in the children getting those toys made me happy. Another favorite of mine were the great celebrations we would have when we won a project.

What advice do you have for people just starting out in their career?

Stay committed to who you are and now what you can do as an employee and as an individual. Speak up if you see that change needs to me made. Every company has its ups and downs. Midrex was and is a great company to work for. Look at the number of years that some of the employees have worked for Midrex not counting my years!  Also, remember, the grass is not always greener on the other side.

What do you have planned in your next chapter?

I am planning on spending even more time with my family, especially those little grandsons of mine. I also plan to travel, do some volunteer work and join a book club.

When asked about their best memories and how they felt about working alongside their teammate, Patricia Blackmon, here is what some of her teammates had to say:

“My best memory of Pat is just how she showed up every day. She has always been kind and helpful and always has a smile.   We were fortunate enough to sit next to each other for a few years and I was able to get to know more about her and her family.   She will be missed, and I wish her and her husband a very long, healthy and blessed retirement.   I will miss you, Pat!” – Kim Patterson

“Pat Blackmon was a very instrumental part of my growth at Midrex. From my first training session with her as contractor to the last few months of working along her years later, she remained consistent in her abilities. The professionalism never dropped, the conciseness never wavered, and her willingness to ensure the job was done properly remained.” – Adam Rodrigues

“Where do I begin…. Miss Pat is the most kind and respectful human being I’ve ever met. I always looked forward to our conversations. Pat always made it a point to check on me just as a mother would, I’m grateful for her love and support always! This world needs more like Pat Blackmon!” – Kevin Smith

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